

Jensan Farm Services are experienced contractors with 2.1 metre HD Slashers and a 3.75 metre Flex Wing Diamond unit along with rear mount HD Flail and Reach-Arm Flail mowers.


Jensan Farm Services are the first Australian contracting operation to take delivery of an "Ecoblade" 6' cut unit. This technology is in widespread use in the USA and is now gaining a strong following in Canada.

We selected this technology to give us the option of controlling a range of woody and annual broadleaf weeds as well as perennial species (gorse, hemlock, phalaris, bracken, fennel etc.) 

The benefits include no drift, no ground soak and reduction of herbicide volume from 1500 Lt's to as low as 25 Lt's per hectare. Time savings are significant with a treated hectare for the "Ecoblade" taking less than 2 hours compared to 6 hours for hand spraying. 

The technology uses centrifical force to spread the herbicide across the cutting edge of the slasher blade resulting in a 'cut stump' result with minimal chemical use.

A wide range of selective (non ester) and non selective herbicides are available for use. 

The control of gorse and broom type species the year following "grooming" will be a key use. Compared to hand spraying savings will be significant, of up to 50%.

The Ecoblade is well suited for smaller acreage blocks when the growth conditions are suited to the herbicides being used.

No obligation property inspections are available.